There’s certainly lots to do in the Huron Valley area – Milford, Highland White Lake and Commerce – in the month of October, much of it to do with pumpkins and hayrides and little ghosts and goblins. To check out the events in this area go to my Web site – I try to keep up with the posters that pop up around town and the events that various groups and organizations are running during the month.
If your group
or organization has an upcoming event that you’d like to see posted in the
calendar or a poster for the Poster Wall on my site, please send me an email –
If you have a PDF file of your poster or flyer that would be great.
One of my
favorite annual events is coming up near the end of the months – the Milford
BOO Bash. There is nothing that epitomizes small town America more than this
parade of costumed kids past the doors of the downtown stores and businesses.
Merchants and restaurateurs hand out candy to the kids as they pass by.
I’m sure that Mayberry probably had something like this, too; or they wish that
they had.
Looking further
forward there’s an interesting Survival Training weekend at Kensington
Metropark on he first weekend in November. Participants will learn how to find
their way out of being lost on Saturday and how to build as shelter (I guess if
you can get out) on Sunday. Also on Sunday is an event in Milford at the
Hibbard Tavern commemorating the 120th birthday of Edsel Ford. See more
about all ofth is on the calendar at